13 Quotes & Sayings By Christos Tsiolkas

Christos Tsiolkas is an Australian novelist and screenwriter. His novel Dead Europe was shortlisted for the Man Booker Prize and won the FT/McArthur Award and the International Dublin Literary Award. His first novel, The Slap, was shortlisted for the Commonwealth Writers' Prize. He has written three films that have premiered at Cannes Film Festival—Lovers of Hate, The Bank, and The Double—and his first play, Dirty Laundry Read more

Tsiolkas's first book of poems, The Bellybutton Book, won the 2007 Thomas Shapcott Poetry Prize. Tsiolkas lives in Melbourne with his wife and daughter.

Everything is fair in love and art. Christos Tsiolkas
In the three minutes it takes the song to play I'm caught in a magic world of harmony and joy, a truly ecstatic joy, where the aching longing to be somewhere else, out of this city, out of this country, out of this body and out of this life, is kept at bay. Christos Tsiolkas
He imagined forgiveness was like flying, that it made you soar. He imagined that it looked like an eagle, a silver bolt in the sky, that it was pure light. Christos Tsiolkas
It is possible the world is divided into three genders - there are men, there are women and then there are women who choose to have nothing to do with children. How about men without children, he answered quickly, aren't they also different from fathers? She shook her head firmly, daring him to contradict her: no, all men are the same. Christos Tsiolkas
Contemporary writers annoyed him, he found their worlds insular, their style too self-conscious and ironic. Theirs was not a literature that belonged to him. Christos Tsiolkas
I swooned again — I had that moment of falling in love with reading again. Christos Tsiolkas
I couldn’t admit to any of the boys I hung out with that I wanted to fuck ’em, so my erotic life was in my imagination and in the body. Christos Tsiolkas
The best way of writing sex scenes is to do the first draft, orgasm, and then start editing. You can be objective post-orgasm. Christos Tsiolkas
I hope for what I always hope for as a writer: a critical but kind reader. I think that is what we all hope for. Christos Tsiolkas
The swing between confronting the dangerous or brutal and the beautiful or the kind is one of the elements of being human that I have battled with all my life. That mixture of love and savagery is there in every important relationship in our lives: with parents, siblings, lovers, our closest friends. I have always wanted to be faithful to that truth. Christos Tsiolkas
I wonder if it is the same for women, whether women always feel this pain when they are fucked? Or is it only in sodomy that pain and pleasure are so linked, so inextricable? Christos Tsiolkas
It is gaol that finally reveals to me the beauty of Shakespeare, the spirit in his words, the jaw-dropping audacity of his language. Christos Tsiolkas